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Hpv have cure. Translation of "cancerul de col uterin" in English

In each group of lesions with cribriform architecture benign, premalignant and malignant intraductal or infiltratingthere are situations in which histological classification of the lesion is difficult or impossible on routine stains.

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A more wide-scale application of the immunohistochemical investigation for clearing up the problematic prostate lesions led to the definition and reclassification of cribriform lesions in distinct categories and sometimes very different in terms of progression, prognosis and treatment. Cellular interactions in prostate cancer genesis and dissemination.

Looking beyond the obvious C. Tomuleasa, G.

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Kacso, Olga Soritau, S. Susman, A.

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Irimie, Piroska Virag Similar to normal organs arising from normal stem cells, cancers can be viewed as organs composed of heterogeneous cellular populations arising from cancer cells with indefinite proliferation abilities. The continuous malignant progression is maintained by the proliferation of cancer stem cells and not the progeny that undergo limited proliferation before terminally differentiating.

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Effective therapy must eradicate malignant cells with unlimited clonogenic expansion within the primary tumor bulk. Thus, resolving both the specific cell of origin for prostate cancer and the interactions between the cells and the surrounding microenvironment within the cancer stem cell niche are crucial to appropriately define rational targets for therapeutic intervention and hpv have cure prostate cancer.

Corresponding author: Ciprian Tomuleasa, e-mail: ciprian. Recent data about the role of human papillomavirus HPV in oncogenesis of head and neck cancer Fl. Schenker Human papillomavirus HPV is a small circular DNA-virus and the high-risk types 16, 18 is implicated in oncogenesis of head and neck cancer - especially oropharynx tonsil and base of tonguepoorly differentiated the basaloid typelocoregional advanced stage, poorly differentiated, at the younger male, non-smokers, non-drinkers, sexual behaviors.

The prognostic is favorable of human papillomavirus tumor status for patients with oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma treated with radiotherapy accelerated fractionation without total dose reduction.

Human blastocyst culture in IVF: current laboratory applications in reproductive medicine practice E. Sills, G.

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Palermo For fertility patients undergoing in vitro fertilization IVFblastocyst culture brings a number of potential advantages over laboratory techniques leading to traditional cleavage-stage embryo transfer. Because day embryos normally should transit the oviduct only, their direct exposure to an intrauterine microenvironment is physiologically inappropriate. This mismatch is obviated by blastocyst transfer.

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Moreover, the nutritional milieu inside the fallopian tube is not the same as within the endometrial compartment, a feature possibly antagonistic to implantation when a day embryo is placed directly within the uterus. Delaying transfer to day may also improve reproductive outcome by reducing risk of embryo expulsion, given increased myometrial pulsatility measured at day However, rigid reliance on a blastocyst culture approach will more often result in treatment cancellation due to embryo hpv have cure no transferor having fewer embryos for cryopreservation.

The development of sequential media to support embryos in extended in vitro culture was a significant laboratory refinement, since it enabled direct observation of embryos hpv have cure improve transfer selection bias.

This approach, in tandem with blastocyst cryopreservation, leads to fewer embryos being transferred and reducing hpv have cure gestation rate. This review discusses key features of human blastocyst culture and its application in clinical reproductive medicine practice. Based on the degree of cytoarchitectural atypia on microscopic examination, IPMTs are classified as benign, borderline, carcinoma in situ and invasive tumors. Imaging examinations are very important to establish the diagnosis.

Two or more tests are usually required. Transabdominal ultrasound, endoscopic ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography have been used for the diagnosis of IPMTs. Parazitii beraria h correct diagnosis, achieved until recently only with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, can be currently obtained with non-invasive imaging modalities, particularly computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Confirmation of the diagnosis requires, however, endoscopic-ultrasound fine-needle aspiration biopsy, followed by cytological or microhistological exams. The natural evolution of IPMTs is still not clear and the management is consequently still evolving.

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We examined samples of skin biopsies from six patients men, year-oldadmitted for treatment in the Neurology Clinic regarding the presence of partial motor impairment on upper and lower right limbs, facial asymmetry and phrasing impairment three of the patients ; These three patients had family history remarkable for early-onset strokes: mother and two brothers deceased by early strokes year-old.

Skin biopsy samples were fixed in glutaraldehyde and post-fixed in osmium tetroxyde. After dehydration, tissue samples were embedded in Epon. Ultrathin sections were mounted on copper grids and stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate as usual and examined with a transmission electron microscope Phillips CM In all cases ultrastructural study showed granular osmiophilic material GOM in extracellular locations, between degenerating smooth muscle cells in dermal arteries or in their indentations.

Deposits of GOM varied in size and electron density.

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Degeneration and loss of smooth muscle cells SMCs leads to abnormal enlargement of the space between these cells Ultrastructural analysis in three cases showed chromatin condensation and peripheral aggregation of nuclear material suggesting cells entry to apoptosis.

These aspects and the marked destruction of the vascular wall were correlated with MRI findings and the severity of clinical manifestations at these patients.

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Moreover, electron microscopy analysis of skin biopsies is a useful tool for a differential diagnosis and can be considered as first choice method. Immunohistochemical study of p53 and Ki67 in a group of patients with mammary carcinoma D.

Plesan, D. Stoica The study was done over a period of 10 years, and it included mammary cancer patients. Of the cases, cases of invasive mammary carcinoma included in this study were investigated from an immunohistochemical point of view. The p53 overexpression hpv have cure more frequently seen in patients under 50 23 cases, that is The positive p53 tumors were more often over 2 cm hpv have cure.

The invasive ductal carcinomas were ppositive in 40 cases Most cases that had the overexpression of the pprotein 30 cases that is The overexpression of the pprotein was present in all cases that had a heterogeneous phenotype with one of the hormonal receptors being negativein over half of the cases that had both hormonal receptors negative Consequently, Most cases that were p53 positive had an increased proliferation activity, as determined with Ki The Ki67 immunostaining analysis has made it clear that this marker has positivity presence in all cases.

The utility of histopathologic examination in appreciation of mandibular osteoporotic status C. Ratiu, V.

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  2. Department of Ophthalmology, Grigore T.
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  7. Human papillomavirus 52 positive squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva Can hpv virus cure cancer It has been demonstrated that the human papil­loma­virus HPV type 16, a can hpv virus cure cancer of the human pa­pil­loma­virus, is present in the oropharyngeal carcinomas can hpv virus cure cancer non-smokers patients inclusive.

Miclaus, T. Ober The study was performed on 14 female patients aged between 54 and 83 years, presented for insertion of mandibular implants and diagnosed with systemic osteoporosis on DXA. Radiological examination showed no striking maxillar bone rarefactions or changes in the mandibular cortex form that allows the diagnosis of osteoporosis at the jaw.

Case Report

To obtain informations on the health status of mandibular bone in these patients, we considered it appropriate to do hpv have cure investigations on fragments of bone harvested from implant insertion area. To this end, fragments of bone harvested when performing the new alveolus were fixed in Stieve mixture, decalcified with trichloroacetic acid and included in paraffin. Five-micrometer thick sections were stained with Goldner's Trichrome method and examined microscopically.

Histopathology revealed changes of different intensity in the organic and vascular components of the mandibular bone, in all patients studied, with differences from case to case. Providing detailed information about organic component and bone vascularization, crucial components in the early stages of osseointegration, histopathology is more useful for assessing mandibular osteoporotic status, compared with methods of investigation that aim only the mineral component, mineralization being the final stage of osseointegration.

Highlighting mandibular osteoporotic early lesions by histopathological examination allows a patient-specific therapeutic approach and could be an accurate method of assessment for required osseointegration period, depending on the degree of impairment.

Margaritescu, Hpv have cure. Mogoanta Immunohistochemistry represents a relatively new identification technique of cellular and tissular antigens due to an antigen-antibody binding interactions, applied more and more in the pathology laboratories for positive and differential diagnosis of premalignant and malignant lesions and also for evolutive prognosis of tumoral formations.

Immunohistochemistry coloration is based on the antigen-antibody affinity, the antibody binding situs being identified either by antibody coloration direct methods or by using an indirect method where the marking is supplied by antibodies called secondary or even tertiary.

The present study is based on the immunohistochemical investigation of some molecular markers with a prognosis value in colorectal cancers CCRlike the antibody p53 immune expression and hpv have cure some factors supposed to have hpv have cure value, such as CA carcinoembryonic antigen, carbohydrate antigen or Lewis antigen.

In the last decade, the studies have tried to define the prognosis of the molecular markers that allow the identification of the patients with recurrent hpv have cure after surgical treatment and who can benefit from chemotherapy in an efficient way. The purpose of the study on immunohistochemical markers is to aim towards the treatment based on molecular phenotypes of colorectal tumors. Inaccording to the Consensus Conference of the Colorectal Working Group of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Prognostic Factors AJCthere were established four categories of prognosis factors in colorectal cancers based on the practical importance and the number of studies referring to them.

The present study is centered on the prognosis factors from the second B category p53 oncoprotein expression and the fourth category CA immunomarker expression.

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Corresponding author: Georgeta Afrem, MD, e-mail: amc. Vascular and nerve lesions of the diabetic foot - a morphological study Raluca Maria Popescu, C. Cotutiu, Mariana Graur, Hpv have cure Caruntu The microcirculation in neuropathic diabetic feet is the subject of the same changes found in other end organs of the diabetic patients.

In diabetic neuropathy, abnormal neurogenic regulation of the hemodynamics in the small vessels may contribute to the development of microangiopathy, which is manifested as increased basement thickening. Material and Methods: The study has been made on a group of 25 patients: nine with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 16 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. All patients were affected by peripheral diabetic neuropathy and showed various degrees of lesions on cancer de piele unghie foot level.

All cases required amputations done at the lower extremity of the limbs.

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Tissue fragments were processed for the standard histopathological exam, using Hemalaun-Eosin, trichromic Szekely and van Gieson staining. Results: The histopathological examination revealed on the skin level - ulcerations covering large areas, while entire sections showed hyperacanthosis. At the dermis level, the microscopic panel was dominated by the presence of the inflammatory infiltrate.

The absence or the degeneration of the sweat glands, the presence of venous stasis and perivascular bleedings completed the morphological panel of the dermis.

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On the microcirculation level, the endothelial cells have a flat smooth inflated aspect. In the case of the large arterioles and arteries of muscular type, we observed the presence of the fibrous tissue on the level of media, calcium deposits on intima, mediocalcinosis.

Conclusions: The identification of vascular and nervous morphological structures in the complicated diabetic foot allows the extension of the knowledge related to the pathological background of this condition.

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The vascular lesions, which appeared on the microcirculation level, are consequently involving arterioles and arteries of muscular type and are being accompanied by nervous lesions shown through morphological changes of the peripheral nerves. The overall paraziți iranieni contest of the complicated diabetic foot involves lesions of the epidermis, dermis, and muscles.

The three-dimensional modeling of the complex virtual human elbow joint Daniela Tarnita, C. Boborelu, D. For that purpose, we used CAD parametric software, which allows defining models with a high level of difficulty including complex 3D shapes.

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The virtual biomechanical system of the human elbow containing bones, ligaments and muscles is studied using the finite elements method and will be prepared for kinematical and dynamical simulations. The 3D virtual model will be useful for future studies concerning prosthesis optimization, improving the performances of endo-prosthetic and exo-prosthetic devices, different implants and prosthetic systems for normal and pathological situations, structures which are acted upon by SMA artificial muscles or which contain SMA elements.

Teleman Genital HPV infections are extremely common but most of them are spontaneously cleared by the host immune response.